Basically, there is room again, and it won't step back on the 20 antenna.I'm very happy about how to get to the index in the afternoon. I think it's just a place at 3407 today. The first support position will have a small rebound in the afternoon.3. Technically, the Shanghai Composite Index stepped back on the ten antennas today, which is a very good thing, with 3407 points as the support of the ten antennas.
4. After the first support position is reached, it will rebound upward, and then it will fall back slightly and then kick down.It's about to usher in a bargain-hunting opportunity, so hold on!
I'll give you a lower price next week, so don't be afraid.4. After the first support position is reached, it will rebound upward, and then it will fall back slightly and then kick down.
Strategy guide 12-14
Strategy guide